Talking Points

February 21, 2018

In discussions with members of Congress and state and local officials as well as comments to media and in opinion pieces, making the following points will further the cause of accreditation, peer review and quality improvement. These points:

  1. Acknowledge the vital and essential role that accreditation has played in U.S. higher education and society, fundamental to high-quality in institutional performance and student success.
  2. Increase the value of accreditation to students and society, including greater attention to protecting students, enhancing student success and greater accountability to the public for student achievement.
  3. Preserve the strengths of accreditation that have been central to the effectiveness of higher education: institutional mission and autonomy, peer review, academic freedom and quality improvement.
  4. Enable accreditation to respond vigorously and effectively to calls for change and innovation in higher education and quality review – apprenticeships, credentials for short-term education or training and competency-based education.
  5. Sustains a strong and effective partnership among accrediting organizations, states and the federal government in expanding and improving higher education opportunity.

For additional talking points that provide a general overview of accreditation, please click here.

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