ABA to Overhaul Law School Accreditation Process

August 2, 2018


ABA to Overhaul Law School Accreditation Process With Major Reorganization (Law.Com, July 31, 2018) “The ABA's Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar plans to dissolve its accreditation and standards review committees in a bid to streamline law school accreditation and save money.”

Issues of Accreditation Predominate in New Rulemaking Announced by Education Dept. (The Chronicle of Higher Education [subscription required], July 30, 2018) “The effort to roll back things that are not helpful in accreditation is consistent’ with the regulatory changes that accreditors and colleges have called for, said Judith Eaton, president of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.” (See also DeVos to Announce New Push for Deregulation, Innovation, Inside Higher Ed, July 20, 2018)

DeVos Seeks To Rewrite The Rules On Higher Ed (NPR, August 2, 2018) “The U.S. Education Department is going back to the drawing board on some basic rules of higher education, including one concept which has been in place for 125 years. The goal? Unleash innovation to better serve students.”

DeVos Delays Decision on Troubled Accreditor ACICS (Inside Higher Ed, August 1, 2018) The department had until July 30 to review additional documents submitted by the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools after a federal judge blocked the accreditor's termination and sent the case back to the department for a final decision. DeVos extended the timeline for a decision to Sept. 4.”