Accreditation Approval of Purdue Global and Other Accreditation-Related Issues

March 9, 2018


Purdue Global’s Arrival (Inside Higher Ed, March 7, 2018) “Purdue University Global has cleared its third and final regulatory hurdle, with the Higher Learning Commission following state and federal agencies in backing Purdue’s acquisition of the for-profit Kaplan University. Judith Eaton, president of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation, said the HLC’s decision sends a ‘very powerful message’ that accreditors are adapting to exciting innovations.”

How the ‘Students First’ College Consolidation Plan Affects Students (The Connecticut Mirror, March 9, 2018) “The [Connecticut] college system’s president has repeatedly said his proposed reorganization and administrative consolidation – dubbed ‘Students First’ – is the only alternative to closing a campus or further slashing library hours and other services students rely on. Faculty leaders aren’t pleased with the changes, however, and hope the New England Association of Schools and Colleges rejects the plan when it comes before them for consideration April 18.”

On Its 2nd Try, Grand Canyon U. Gets the Green Light to Become a Nonprofit (The Chronicle of Higher Education [subscription required], March 6, 2018) “Grand Canyon University will transition back to a nonprofit institution after 14 years as a for-profit college. The university announced on Tuesday that the Higher Learning Commission, its accreditor, had approved the institution's proposal to become a nonprofit.”

Lawmakers OK Stripping USF Sarasota-Manatee of its Independent Accreditation (Bradenton Herald, March 6, 2018) “The Florida Legislature on Monday passed a higher education bill that brings the University of South Florida closer to accreditation consolidation.”

U.S. Department of Education Office of Inspector General Recommendations for Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act (pdf, March 1, 2018) “Reliance on accrediting agencies and states for oversight in their roles defined by the HEA has not always been effective to protect students and taxpayers.”