Accreditation Suit Dismissed and Other Accreditation-Related Issues

July 26, 2017

Superior Court Upholds Dismissal of Marywood Nursing Accreditation Suit (The Times-Tribune, July 25, 2017) “The state Superior Court upheld a Lackawanna County judge’s ruling that dismissed a lawsuit filed by a former Marywood University student who alleged the school misled her about its nursing program’s accreditation status. [The student] alleged she suffered financial and educational harm after she transferred to another college after learning Marywood’s accreditation status was in jeopardy.”

Britain’s Open University Bows to US Pressure Over Cuba (Telesur, July 24, 2017) “The Open University states their new policy that bans applications from Cuban students has been adopted to avoid repercussions from the U.S. The OU is accredited in the U.S. by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, an institutional accrediting agency, recognized by the United States Secretary of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. It is one of only three British universities with this accreditation.”

The State of American Higher Education Outcomes (Third Way, July 18, 2017) “This analysis uses information from the U.S. Department of Education’s “Performance by Accreditor” database released in February 2017.”

Seeking Global Cooperation to Fight Corruption in HE (University World News, July 14, 2017) “University World News talks to Judith Eaton, president of CHEA, about the challenges of academic corruption, the role quality assurance and particularly international cooperation in quality assurance can play in tackling it and what action has been taken.”