Accreditation Validity Extended for Indian Higher Education Institutions

July 15, 2020


NAAC Extends Accreditation Validity for Higher Education Institutions (Telangana Today [India], July 13, 2020) "The National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) has decided to extend accreditation validity for Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) whose validity of accreditation expires during the pandemic period i.e. from March 2020 provided the HEIs submit online Institutional Information for Quality Assessment (IIQA) within three months from the government/university notification to resume normal academic activity."

Higher Education Must Adapt to New Normal (New Era, July 7, 2020) "The Namibia Qualifications Authority is currently concluding a study to determine the preparedness of tertiary institutions to adhere to quality assurance requirements during the migration of courses to the online mode of delivery. The findings will aid in determining the strategies and measures to be implemented to ensure that minimum quality assurance standards are met during online teaching and learning."

Crisis Has Shown Virtual Quality Assurance Can Work Well (University World News, July 6, 2020) "The challenges presented by the global lockdown seem to have accelerated quality improvements in Ukraine – even to the point where Ukrainian practice, when it comes to video-conferencing, has now overtaken that of more established agencies in other countries."

Tertiary Education Completes Academic Year Successfully (Good Living, June 23, 2020) "Cyprus tertiary education students completed their academic year as expected with institutions adjusting to distance education and assessment, Education Minister Prodromos Prodromou said on Friday."