Accrediting Online Education and Other Accreditation-Related Issues

February 15, 2018


Law School Accreditor Proposes Easing Limits on Online Education (Inside Higher Ed, February 13, 2018) “The American Bar Association panel that accredits law schools has proposed loosening its restrictions on online education.”

A Demand for Lots More Detail On Community College Consolidation (The CT Mirror, February 13, 2018) “Officials of [Connecticut’s] 12 community colleges must answer a long list of questions from the schools’ accrediting body before their plan to shed hundreds of administrative positions can move forward.”

Equity Gaining Emphasis in Assessing Student Outcomes (Diverse Issues in Higher Education, February 11, 2018) “'Regional accreditation has been a very important driver for engaging in assessment practices,’ said Natasha Jankowski, Director of the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment.”

Think Tank Sues Education Dept. Over Public Records Requests on College Accrediting Bodies (The Washington Post, February 8, 2018) “The Century Foundation, a public policy think tank, sued the U.S. Department of Education on Thursday seeking the release of records on controversial higher education accrediting agencies that are linked to lax regulation.”

DeVos’s Education Dept. Relaxed Rules for For-Profits Under Accreditor That Closed (The Chronicle of Higher Education [subscription required], February 7, 2018) “As a controversial accreditor of for-profit colleges sought new federal recognition, the Department of Education relaxed requirements for institutions affected by its loss of that recognition.”