Assuring Quality of Private Universities in Nigeria

April 30, 2019


Inside Nigeria’s Private Universities: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly (Saturday Magazine, April 27, 2019) “There have been mixed reactions to the disclosure by the National Universities Commission that it is considering over 300 applications by some individuals and organisations to operate private universities in the country.”

KSHEC Embarks on Maiden Higher Education Survey (The Hindu [India], April 26, 2019) “The Kerala State Higher Education Council (KSHEC) has embarked on a maiden higher education survey in the State. The All Kerala Higher Education Survey, which will cover all higher education institutions in the State, has been modelled on the All India Survey of Higher Education. The aim of the council is to address the non-availability of authentic data on higher education. The dearth in comprehensive data has been a major hindrance in the formulation of policies in the sector and allocating funds on the basis of performance.”

The GNQAHE Discuss the GCC Mutual Recognition Method for Institutional and Academic Accreditation (GCC News, April 24, 2019) “As part of the Gulf Network for Quality Assurance of Higher Education plan to strengthen the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) institutional and academic cooperation, the GNQAHE held on 23 and 24 April 2019, in Muscat a meeting to discuss the GCC mutual recognition method for institutional and program accreditation issued by GCC academic accreditation entities.”

Georgian Diplomas To Be Recognized in Europe (, April 25, 2019) “The diplomas issued by Georgian universities will soon become approved by the European educational system. The country’s National Centre for Educational Quality Enhancement is becoming a member of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA).”

Call to Fight the Spread of Corruption in HE Globally (University World News, April 13, 2019) “Corruption is ubiquitous and diverse in higher education, affecting every part of the world to some extent. It includes unethical, inappropriate, sometimes illegal practices, but the types and prevalences vary between countries, according to a new report published by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) and the CHEA International Quality Group (CIQG).”