CHEA President Provides Colleague Briefing at NACIQI Meeting

December 21, 2015

CHEA President Judith Eaton Provides a Colleague Briefing at the Fall Meeting (December 16-18, 2015) of the National Advisory Council on Institutional Quality and Integrity (Politico “Morning Education,” December 16, 2015)
“She noted that CHEA, which recognizes 62 institutional and programmatic accrediting organizations, already evaluates student achievement, and has ‘encouraged and emphasized the importance of attention to student achievement in the work of accreditation.’” (See also CHEA News Release)

Are We Obsessed With University Rankings? (The World Bank “Education for Global Development” Blog, December 15, 2015)
It is evident that rankings do have a value as a reference and as basis for comparison. However, they do not always serve as the best proxy of quality and relevance of tertiary education institutions.”

Two Steps Back? (Inside Higher Ed, December 15, 2015)
“New England accreditor says it's trying to update its standards, but many adjunct activists fear changes would undercut efforts to protect those off the tenure track.”

Rubio’s Take on Higher Education (Inside Higher Ed, December 10, 2015)
“Rubio says his accreditation proposals, which he called his chief higher ed reform, would ‘transform higher education by exposing it to the market forces of choice and competition, which inevitably bring down prices for consumers.’”

Open Education Resources: A Catalyst for Innovation (, December 7, 2015)
“The future of education in the 21st century is not simply about reaching more people, but about improving the quality and diversity of educational opportunities.”