CHEA President Provides Recommendations on Core Principles of Institutional Governance

April 27, 2023


Quality Assurance: The Core Principle of Governance (Trusteeship Magazine, March/April, 2023) Every so often new questions arise about the value of higher education, affordability, presidential leadership, governance, and even quality assurance. Are trustees able to respond with clarity and depth of understanding to questions regarding the academic integrity and quality of the university or college they represent? As part of onboarding of new trustees and employing the “continuous improvement” model for governance, Council for Higher Education President Cynthia Jackson Hammond provides recommendations.

This Mass. Online ‘University' Is Fake, State Warns (, April 24, 2023)
Massachusetts Central University claims to be "one of the accredited online universities that offer an extensive range of majors precisely designed for professionals and working adults." But the state says that Massachusetts Central University, is fake, a fraud that first bubbled up two years ago and has returned. The BBB offered this tip: Make sure it’s accredited. The Council on Higher Education Accreditation or the U.S. Department of Education should recognize the school.

Postsecondary Programs for Students With Disabilities Begin Accreditation Process (Disability Scoop, April 18, 2023)*See related article, below. As demand continues to grow for colleges and universities to serve students with intellectual disabilities, a recently formed accreditation council is focused on ensuring that programs meet quality standards. With hundreds of postsecondary programs for students with intellectual disabilities available nationwide, a newly formed accrediting agency is set to help families determine which ones are of the highest quality with the launch of an accrediting agency specifically focused on postsecondary programs for students with intellectual disabilities. *College students with intellectual disabilities deserve better standards, agency says | The College Fix  (The College Fix, April 13, 2023)

The Important Role of Boards in the Governance of Accreditation (, March 29, 2023) AGB teamed with CHEA, the Council for Higher Education Accreditation, to identify updated accreditation guidance for boards of both public and private institutions operating in the volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous environment that defines the modern era of higher education.

Hearings Kick Off Negotiated Rule Making (Inside HigherEd, April 17, 2023) Speakers urged the department to strengthen rules for accreditors and rethink recent guidance for third-party servicers. Many consumer advocates and researchers said the upcoming accreditation regulation changes are an opportunity to put in place stronger consumer protections.