CHEA Receives Kudos for its Accrediting Agency Recognition Process

March 30, 2023


Recognition Green BadgeCouncil for Higher Education Accreditation Committee of Recognition Hearing: A Critical Analysis from BCC  (BCCAdvice, March 17, 2023) The March 2023 meeting of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) Committee on Recognition provided a stark contrast on an accrediting agency recognition process unburdened by the entanglement of partisan politics.

Fake Degree iconLinkedIn Founder Says Fake Nurse Degree Scheme “Not Surprising at All” (Scrubs Magazine, March 14, 2023) Some experts believe the business of selling fake degrees has become a multibillion-dollar industry. These are known as degree mills. Some blatantly sell degrees or transcripts from legitimate schools. “A moderately skilled web designer can very easily and quickly create a home page for a fraudulent school with the look and feel of a home page of a legitimate school,” says the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. “Often, it is difficult if not impossible to track down the individuals responsible for perpetrating the fraud, and even if they were to be located, they could very well be operating from some location outside the jurisdiction of state or U.S. laws.”

Green Quality BadgeEnsuring Quality Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities
(Inside Higher Ed, March 27, 2023) As demand continues to grow for colleges and universities to serve students with intellectual disabilities, a recently formed accreditation council is focused on ensuring that programs meet quality standards.

Distressed gray ND sealFormer Chancellor Sees Accreditation Risk in North Dakota Higher Ed Tenure Bill (InForum, March 20, 2023) A former North Dakota higher education leader is warning that a bill to change faculty tenure could risk the accreditation of Bismarck State College and Dickinson State University.