CIQG Member Spotlight: The Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC)

July 1, 2024

Dr. Leah Matthews, the Executive Director and CEO of the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC) since April 1, 2013, has a rich background in higher education and accreditation. With prior experience as Vice President for Recognition Services at the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), Dr. Matthews brings invaluable insights to higher education accreditation and her work with DEAC. Here, she shares her thoughts on the following questions to spotlight the Commission's work and vision.

1. Please provide an overview of your organization and its role in assuring quality in higher education globally.

The Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC) is a U.S.-based non-profit organization that accredits institutions offering distance education. Established in 1926, DEAC's mission is to ensure quality and promote excellence in distance education programs. DEAC accredits institutions that offer distance education and meet specific criteria for financial stability, student support, and operational integrity. It evaluates institutions based on curriculum design, instructional delivery, student support services, faculty qualifications, and student learning outcomes. Accredited institutions are required to engage in ongoing self-evaluation and improvement to maintain their accreditation status.

Our accreditation process involves several steps. Institutions seeking accreditation must first submit an application demonstrating adherence to DEAC standards. They then conduct a thorough self-evaluation and prepare a comprehensive self-study report. A team of DEAC evaluators conducts an on-site review, examining the institution’s operations, policies, and practices. Finally, the Accrediting Commission reviews the findings and makes an accreditation decision. Institutions may receive initial accreditation, reaffirmation, or be placed on probation if deficiencies are identified.

DEAC plays an important role in global higher education as it is the only institutional accreditor of its kind dedicated to distance education. By upholding high standards, DEAC ensures that distance education programs provide quality education and training to students globally. It supports innovative teaching methods and the use of technology in education, which is crucial for the evolving global education landscape. Additionally, DEAC collaborates with international accrediting bodies through the CHEA CIQG, INQAAHE and other educational groups such as the European Association for Distance Learning (EADL) to promote quality assurance in distance education across international borders.

2. How does your organization employ accreditation standards and processes to accommodate rapid changes and innovations in higher education delivery and pedagogy?

DEAC accommodates rapid changes and innovations in higher education delivery and pedagogy through flexible and dynamic standards, continuous improvement, and support for innovation. DEAC recently completed a comprehensive update to its standards to incorporate the latest trends in online learning, institutional effectiveness and instructional methods. Accredited institutions are required to engage in ongoing self-evaluation and implement enhancements to their programs. DEAC's comprehensive evaluation process assesses institutions' use of technology, online learning platforms, pedagogical methods, and student support services. Collaboration with educational institutions, industry experts, and other accrediting bodies ensures DEAC stays informed about the latest trends and best practices. Professional development and training opportunities are provided to educators and administrators to equip them with the skills needed to implement innovative practices. Rigorous monitoring and accountability measures ensure that institutions continue to meet DEAC’s standards and adapt to new challenges.

3. What are your organization's priorities and plans for the future in advancing international higher education accreditation and fostering quality assurance on a global scale?

The Commission is strategically planning to enhance its procedures for reviewing distance education models outside of the US and refine its procedures in order to scale to international review requirements over the next five years. A key feature of this plan is the refinement of DEAC's standards to ensure they are globally applicable. In early 2024, DEAC convened focus groups with international stakeholders, including educators, policymakers, and representatives from QA bodies, to gather insights on adapting its standards for international quality assurance.

DEAC's strategic priorities include enhancing global standards, building international partnerships, supporting technological advancements, offering professional development, and ensuring rigorous monitoring and accountability. The focus groups emphasized the need for cultural sensitivity, recognition of diverse educational practices, technological infrastructure considerations, and regulatory alignment.

By integrating this feedback, DEAC aims to refine its standards to better align with international educational norms, ensuring flexibility and adaptability. Strengthening collaborations with international accrediting bodies and educational organizations will facilitate the sharing of best practices and promote mutual recognition of accreditation standards. Supporting the adoption of advanced educational technologies and providing tailored professional development programs for international educators and administrators are also key components of DEAC's strategy. Rigorous monitoring and accountability mechanisms will ensure continuous adherence to high standards. By refining standards, building partnerships, supporting technology, and ensuring accountability, DEAC aims to lead in global distance education excellence, ensuring its accredited institutions deliver high-quality education worldwide.

4. What are some of the biggest challenges that your organization face in assuring quality internationally? How do you (plan to) address them?

DEAC recognizes that there are significant challenges in assuring quality internationally. One of the biggest challenges is the diversity of educational systems and regulatory frameworks across different countries and QA systems. Each region has its own set of standards, cultural expectations, and legal requirements, which can complicate the development of a broadly applicable accreditation standard. To address this, DEAC plans to work closely with international QA organizations and educational organizations to harmonize standards and practices. This collaboration will involve continuous dialogue and mutual recognition agreements to ensure that DEAC's accreditation is respected and valued globally.

Another challenge is the varying levels of technological infrastructure and access to digital resources in different countries. In some regions, institutions may struggle with limited internet connectivity, outdated technology, or insufficient technical support, which can hinder the implementation of advanced distance education programs. DEAC intends to address this by providing tailored guidance and support to institutions in these regions that express an interest in DEAC accreditation. This includes offering resources and training on leveraging available technology effectively and advocating for improved technological infrastructure to support distance education.

Ensuring cultural sensitivity and relevance is of significant importance to DEAC. Educational practices and student expectations can vary widely across cultures, and a one-size-fits-all approach to accreditation may not be effective. DEAC plans to address this by incorporating cultural considerations into its accreditation standards and evaluation processes. By engaging with local educators and stakeholders, DEAC can develop standards that respect and reflect regional educational practices while maintaining high-quality benchmarks.

Maintaining rigorous monitoring and accountability on a global scale poses another challenge. With institutions spread across various time zones and geographic locations, consistent and thorough oversight can be difficult. DEAC plans to enhance its monitoring mechanisms by leveraging technology for virtual evaluations and audits, ensuring that all accredited institutions adhere to high standards regardless of their location. Regular reporting and data analysis will also play a crucial role in maintaining accountability.

Finally, fostering global trust and recognition of DEAC accreditation is important to us. Building and maintaining credibility in the international education community requires transparency, consistency, and demonstrable success in improving educational quality. DEAC aims to address this by showcasing the success stories of its accredited institutions, participating in international educational forums, and continuously improving its accreditation processes based on feedback from global stakeholders.

5. Is there anything new or exciting happening within your organization that you would like to share with the world? Whether it's a new program, initiative, partnership, or any other noteworthy development, we'd love to hear about it and help spread the word.

I am excited to announce that I have been elected to another three-year term on the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) Board of Directors. My reappointment, confirmed in June at the INQAAHE Annual Conference in Bucharest, presents wonderful opportunities for DEAC to engage with global leaders in higher education quality assurance and to contribute to the development and dissemination of best practices in higher education worldwide.  I look forward to continued service on the INQAAHE Board and how this will advance DEAC’s mission to uphold excellence in distance education and participate in global conversations about the benefits of affordable, accessible distance education opportunities for all learners worldwide.