CIQG Member Spotlight: The University Council of Jamaica (UCJ)

July 1, 2024

Overview: The University Council of Jamaica (UCJ)

Established in 1987 by an act of Parliament, the University Council of Jamaica (UCJ) stands as a cornerstone of Jamaica's higher education system. Operating as a statutory body under the Ministry of Education and Youth the UCJ serves as the national External Quality Assurance Agency (EQAA) for higher education, playing a pivotal role in enhancing the academic standards and effectiveness of Jamaican institutions and their graduates.

The UCJ is committed to promoting a culture of quality within Jamaica's higher education system. It guides institutions towards continuous improvement, overseeing all accredited institutions and programmes to ensure and elevate the quality of higher education. Its responsibilities encompass accreditation of programmes and institutions, recognition of transnational education programmes, assessment of credentials, development of standards, and communication and public education. ISO 9001:2015 certified, the UCJ established a Quality Management System (QMS) in 2017 to demonstrate its commitment to quality. Achieving certification in September 2018, this system ensures that the UCJ's core processes and operational activities meet international standards.

Recently, the UCJ's responsibilities have expanded to include accreditation functions for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). We are actively working to ensure a smooth transition for this strategic initiative. By taking on this role, the UCJ will oversee the quality assurance of TVET programs, ensuring they meet both local and international standards and gain the recognition they deserve.

The UCJ holds the distinction of being the first EQAA in the Caribbean and for over 35 years, has been instrumental in aiding institutions across Jamaica to develop and maintain high standards in higher education and training, thus benefiting citizens and the nation. Accrediting a diverse range of institutions offering higher education and training programmes, the UCJ ensures they meet minimum quality standards. The UCJ also supports institutions in enhancing their educational offerings, and aids in the development and delivery of education and training programmes through the creation of standards and guidelines. Additionally, through its credential assessment services, the UCJ provides equivalence and recognition of qualifications, facilitating the free movement of individuals throughout the Caribbean region by enabling access to the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Skills Certificate.

Beyond the annual Quality Assurance in Higher Education Week activities, which have been held for the past 19 years, the UCJ actively fosters professional development and engagement within the higher education community through various events. One such event is the 7th Dennis Irvine

Lecture held on October 19, 2023, focusing on "Artificial Intelligence: A Paradigm Shift for Quality Assurance in Higher Education?" The UCJ conducts quality assurance workshops tailored to address specific challenges and opportunities facing institutions, offering practical insights while noting best practices. Consultation sessions are also convened to facilitate dialogue and collaboration among institutions, stakeholders, and policymakers, fostering a collective approach to addressing the evolving needs of Jamaica's higher education landscape. These developmental initiatives not only enhance the external quality assurance efforts of the UCJ but also promote continuous improvement and innovation within the higher education sector.

In 2023, the UCJ developed and published Standards and Guidelines for Micro-Credentials. This initiative provided Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), training providers, public and private sector agencies, and organizations with a comprehensive framework for understanding these standards and guidelines, offering valuable insights into the development of their own programs. These standards facilitate the design, delivery, assessment, evaluation, and award of micro- credentials, and are also necessary to support accreditation where applicable.

The UCJ is dedicated to conducting research on higher education and quality assurance, aiming to enhance educational outcomes both directly and indirectly. Demonstrating this commitment, the UCJ represented Jamaica in a seven-country research project led by the International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP-UNESCO). This project, titled "SDG 4: Planning for Flexible Learning Pathways in Higher Education," focused on creating flexible learning pathways in higher education. The UCJ's report for the project, "Integrated Higher Education in Support of Flexible Learning Pathways in Jamaica," highlights their efforts to explore innovative educational approaches and contribute to the advancement of higher education in Jamaica and beyond.

The UCJ contributes to the advancement of best practices in external quality assurance at both regional and international levels. This is achieved through its membership and active engagement in organizations such as the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) and the Caribbean Area Network for Quality Assurance in Tertiary Education (CANQATE).

This year, the UCJ will host the CANQATE Conference and Annual General Meeting under the theme "Twenty Years of Promoting Quality in Higher Education: Development, Impact, and Opportunities for a Sustainable Future." This event underscores the UCJ's commitment to fostering collaboration, sharing insights, and exploring opportunities for enhancing quality assurance in higher education across the Caribbean region.

Institutions accredited by the UCJ receive recognition both nationally and internationally, highlighting their dedication to upholding high educational standards. The ongoing efforts of the UCJ play a significant role in enhancing the global reputation of Jamaican higher education and advancing the broader goal of quality assurance worldwide. To date, six higher education institutions have obtained Institutional Accreditation, with 414 programmes and eight short courses also accredited, showcasing the UCJ's thorough approach to quality assurance in Jamaica's higher education sector.