Coverage of the 2016 CHEA Annual Conference and CIQG Annual Meeting

February 3, 2016

University Chiefs Share 3 Takeaways on Evolving Role of Accreditation (CHEA 2016) (Education Dive, February 1, 2016)
“Leaders from Heritage U, UC-Merced offer thoughts on agencies' roles and non-traditional providers.”

 Shared Principles of HE Quality Gain Global Support (University World News, January 30, 2016)
“A set of shared principles on how to define quality in higher education is gaining support among stakeholders in multiple countries, and a plan is in place to create cross-border opportunities for cooperation in matters of quality assurance and accreditation.”

Revolutionary Delivery Meets Traditional Standards (University World News, January 30, 2016)
“The San Francisco-based school [Minerva], which enrolled its first class of students in 2014-15, was featured at an annual meeting last week of the Washington-based Council for Higher Education Accreditation or CHEA, where conference organisers held it up as a model of higher education that has successfully responded to calls for change while still meeting the standards set by traditional quality assurance and accreditation agencies.”

Quality Assurance Cannot Solve Corruption On Its Own (University World News, January 30, 2016)
“Academic fraud such as bribery, bogus universities and falsified research findings is hardly a new phenomenon but it seems to be escalating worldwide, prompting quality assurance professionals meeting last week in Washington, DC to grapple with how, if at all, they can help combat the problem.”

New Mechanisms Are Needed to Improve Transparency (University World News, January 30, 2016)
“The explosion of demand worldwide for higher education and for evidence of its value to graduates, employers and the wider global community must be met head on by tertiary-level institutions, a top education official at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, or OECD, told quality assurance professionals [January 29].”

Accreditors Feel the Heat, But Are Torn Over Calls for Change (The Chronicle of Higher Education, January 29, 2016)
“At the opening session of the council’s annual meeting, bluntly titled ‘The Future Is Now: Where Is Accreditation?,’ Ms. Eaton told attendees that they must consider demands from the public and policy makers to hold low-performing institutions more accountable, using concrete measures of student achievement such as graduation rates, and considering issues of price and student debt.”

Employers As Accreditors (Inside Higher Ed, January 28, 2016)
“The Council for Higher Education Accreditation held its annual meeting [in Washington, DC] this week. Judith Eaton, the group’s president, said employers already work with accreditors, particularly at the programmatic level. But more involvement would be welcome, she said.”

Accreditation’s New Frontier(Politico “Morning Education, January 26, 2016)
“’The Future Is Now: Where Is Accreditation?’ is something many higher ed policy wonks have been asking themselves lately – and it's the theme of this year's conference of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.”

DeTao Masters Academy Advanced Classes Certified As Quality Platform Provider (January 26, 2016)
“The Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) announced on January 26, 2016 that the DeTao Masters Academy Advanced Classes has been certified as a CHEA/International Quality Group (CIQG) Quality Platform Provider. The certificate was presented to DeTao at the 2016 Annual Conference, held January 25-27 in Washington, DC.”

Lebanon Valley Colleges Receives [CHEA] Award (Lebanon Daily News, January 15, 2016)
“The 2016 CHEA award recognizes the college's chemistry major, which features an extensive set of external benchmarking exams, survey results, and graduate placement data to assess and track student learning outcomes throughout the four-year chemistry curriculum.”