Coverage of CHEA 2016 Summer Workshop and Other Accreditation-Related News

July 28, 2016

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CHEA Workshop: More Transparency Needed in Accreditation Process (Diverse Issues in Higher Education, July 25, 2016) “Accreditors need to make their actions more transparent and better define their roles and responsibilities as assurers of quality in order to gain the public trust.”

New Board [of Ireland] Higher Education Authority (The Irish Times, January 27, 2016) “Non-academic members include Tony Donohoe, the head of education, social and innovation policy at the employer’s group IBEC; and Judith Eaton, president of the US-based Council for Higher Education Accreditation.”

Ed Dept Seeks Stricter Rules for Online Degree Programs (Education Dive, July 25, 2016) “The proposed guidance will require schools to be authorized in all states where students are enrolled, to disclose to students details about licensure, refunds and accreditation actions.”

GOP Platform on Higher Education (Inside Higher Ed, July 19, 2016) “The platform said accreditation should be decoupled from federal financing to encourage new modes of higher education delivery to enter the market, while states should be ‘empowered to allow a wide array of accrediting and credentialing bodies to operate.’" 

East Africa Credit Transfers to Come On Line Next Year (University World News, July 16, 2016) “The new system seeks to introduce a common academic credit system, quality assurance system and qualifications framework, which will effect the harmonisation of curricula and education systems.”