Higher Education and Accreditation

June 2, 2022


How to Really Fix Higher Education (The Atlantic, May 31, 2022) "College presidents tell me that the accrediting system, which theoretically aims to ensure quality and to prevent scammers from tapping into federal education dollars, actually stifles programmatic innovation inside extant colleges and universities aiming to serve struggling and underprepared students in new ways."

Federal Oversight on Accreditation Shows Weak Outcomes (Inside Higher Ed, May 26, 2022) "A new study released on May 26 by Ithaka S+R found that changes to federal policy governing accrediting agencies have had a limited impact on improving student outcomes."

Race on Campus: Are Accreditors Unfair to HBCUs? (The Chronicle of Higher Education [subscription required], May 24, 2022) "Accreditation grants colleges access to federal funds. Students who graduate from unaccredited institutions have a more difficult time transferring to accredited institutions or getting their degrees recognized by employers. For HBCUs, which are more likely to serve students in need of federal financial assistance, losing accreditation can be especially disastrous."