Jail Time for Credentials Fraud in South Africa

August 23, 2019


Jail time for Lying on CVs (IOL [South Africa], August 21, 2019) “President Cyril Ramaphosa has signed into law tough new rules criminalising the submission of fraudulent qualifications or misrepresentation of education credentials. Job seekers and prospective students who submit fraudulent qualifications or misrepresent them will now face up to five years in prison in terms of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Amendment Act 2019.”

FAC Hosts Workshop on NAAC (Nagaland Post [India], August 20, 2019) “A one day workshop on National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC)-related issues and challenges was held at Fazl Ali College (FAC), Mokokchung on August 20.”

11th International Conference On Quality Assurance In Higher Education To Hold In Abuja – Nigeria (The Nigerian Voice, August 16, 2019) “The 11th International Conference and Workshops on Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Africa will be held from 7-11th October 2019 in Abuja, Nigeria under the theme: Towards Sustainability of Continental Harmonization Agenda of Higher Education in Africa.”

College to University – Evolution Shows National Ambitions (University World News, July 25, 2019) “As government authorities in Botswana envisage seeing their country becoming an education hub for Southern Africa, both private and public colleges within the country are slowly but steadily transforming themselves into universities, with four colleges evolving into fully-fledged universities over the last 19 years. The authority to award degrees is not the only benefit of achieving university status. To be recognised as such, an institution must demonstrate they operate by a set of norms and standards delivering quality higher educatio..”