Major Accreditation Challenges of H.R. 4508

February 21, 2018

The House bill poses four major challenges for accreditation, calling on accrediting organizations to address the following:

  • Public accountability as the dominant role of accreditation  in contrast to the historic dominance of quality improvement as the major role. Primary emphasis is on student achievement, institutional performance and transparency
  • Increased emphasis on innovation as encouraged for accrediting organizations, including creation of other forms of quality review – with commensurate regulatory relief and flexibility, although within federal requirements.
  • Accreditation standards, policies and practices needing overhaul, forcing change and rethinking that will reverberate throughout accreditation and higher education
  • Congressional authority and oversight of accreditation strengthened in relation to the current role of the U.S. Department of Education – altering, perhaps in fundamental ways, the relationship between accrediting organizations and the federal government in the development of federal policy.

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