Faith-related accrediting organizations accredit institutions that have a religious affiliation or are spiritually oriented. These organizations typically accredit whole institutions rather than programs or schools.

Accrediting Organization Recognized Scope of Accreditation
Association for Biblical Higher Education Commission on Accreditation (ABHE)
CHEA-recognized Scope Statement:
Institutions and programs in the United States, Canada and related territories that offer certificates, diplomas, associate, baccalaureate or graduate degrees aimed at preparing students for Christian ministries through Biblical, church-vocational and general studies. (2007)
USDE-recognized Scope Statement:
Association of Advanced Rabbinical and Talmudic Schools, Accreditation Commission (AARTS)
CHEA-recognized Scope Statement:
The Accreditation Commission accredits Advanced Rabbinical and Talmudic institutions located in the United States and Canada which meet its standards, and which grant postsecondary degrees such as the associate, baccalaureate, master’s, doctorate, First Rabbinic, First Talmudic and Intermediary Talmudic degrees. (2019)
USDE-recognized Scope Statement:
Association of Institutions of Jewish Studies (AIJS)
Not CHEA-recognized
USDE-recognized Scope Statement:
Association of Reformed Theological Seminaries - Commission on Accreditation (ARTS)
Not USDE-recognized
CHEA-recognized Scope Statement:
ARTS Commission on Accreditation accredits United States-based institutions and other locations as determined by the Commission on Accreditation, which offer baccalaureate and/or graduate degrees in fields aimed at preparing students for Christian service and ministry through biblical and theological studies of Reformed traditions. (2024)
USDE-recognized Scope Statement:
This organization is recognized only by CHEA and not USDE.
Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools (ATS)
CHEA-recognized Scope Statement:
Accredits free-standing seminaries and academic units of larger institutions in the United States and Canada that offer post-baccalaureate degrees in professional and academic theological education. (2015)
USDE-recognized Scope Statement:
Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools Accreditation Commission (TRACS)
CHEA-recognized Scope Statement:
Accreditation and preaccreditation of Christian postsecondary institutions in the United States, U.S. territories, and other locations determined by the Accrediting Commission that offer certificates, diplomas, and associate, baccalaureate, and graduate degrees, including institutions that offer Distance Education. (2017)
USDE-recognized Scope Statement: