Navigating Accreditation Amidst Political Turbulence: A Conversation with CHEA President Cynthia Jackson Hammond

June 27, 2024


Navigating Accreditation Amidst Political Turbulence: A Conversation with CHEA President Cynthia Jackson Hammond (Accreditation Insights: Navigating Excellence, June 10, 2024) Council for Higher Education Accreditation President Dr. Cynthia Jackson Hammond discussed the multifaceted impact of election-year politics on accreditation bodies. The episode also explores the evolution of quality assurance standards, emphasizing the importance of transparency and innovation as CHEA upholds educational excellence in a rapidly changing political and educational environment.

Ohio Bill Would Require Colleges Adopt Racial, Religious, Ethnic Harassment and Intimidation Policy (Ohio Capital Journal, June 25, 2024) The higher education bill would prohibit mandatory diversity, equity, and inclusion training unless it is required to comply with state and federal law, professional licensure requirements, or get accreditation or grants. The Inter-University Council of Ohio said it would help Ohio’s colleges and universities prevent racial, religious, and ethnic harassment and intimidation.

Leaning Into Credit for Prior Learning (Inside Higher Ed, June 21, 2024) Institutional colleagues often cite accreditation restrictions on the acceptance of credit and limitations on credit for prior learning. A review of related accreditor policies did not surface major barriers.

More Downsizing at Beleaguered ETS (Inside Higher Ed, June 18, 2024) ETS’s research institute released a report concluding opportunities for testing in traditional college admissions are limited and hamstrung by mounting challenges such as data security and artificial intelligence. “Skills are the future currency,” the report said. “Assessment companies can be trusted just as much as an accredited university or employer to identify those skills and convert them into hard cash on the job market.”

AAUP Calls Out Think Tanks for ‘Culture War Against Higher Education' (Higher Ed Dive, May 30, 2024) According to AAUP, more than 150 bills have been introduced targeting DEI efforts, tenure, and the teaching of “divisive concepts.” The faculty organization pointed to seven other newly signed laws restricting DEI on campuses, three of which weaken tenure and three of which “undermine” accreditation.