The Need for Quality Assurance

October 17, 2018


The Need For Quality Assurance (The Statesman [India], October 16, 2018) “The long-term survival of numerous educational institutions that have received accreditations in the last two decades depends on their ability to perform.”

Why Putin’s 5-100 Project Is Doomed to Fail (University World News, October 5, 2018) “In 2012, Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a highly ambitious Russian academic excellence project, known as the 5-100 Project. It aimed at getting at least five Russian universities into the top 100 in world university rankings by 2020.”

Increasing HE Enrollment and Implications for Quality (University World News, October 5, 2018) “Former secretary-general of the Association of African Universities Professor Goolam Mohamedbhai identified several QA initiatives at national, regional and continental level and the challenges they are facing.”

University Bosses Call for Ban on Essay-Writing Companies (BBC News, September 27, 2018) “The letter has been signed by 46 vice-chancellors and heads of higher education bodies, some of whom represent the UK's largest and most prestigious universities. Students caught submitting work that is not their own face serious penalties, which can include being thrown off their university course. However, in the UK it is not illegal to offer a commercial essay-writing service.”

Why Can’t We Just Get Along? Private and Public Higher Education in Latin America (Inside Higher Ed, September 25, 2018) “Concerns about quality in the rapidly expanding private sector led to the creation of quality assurance agencies throughout the region. While these agencies have attempted to assuage concerns by obliging private (and often public) institutions to participate in the elaborate processes of self-evaluation and peer review, doubts about quality remain.”



