International Quality Review: Values, Opportunities and Issues

June 1, 2002

This Occasional Paper brings together the three major papers presented at the Council for Higher Education Accreditation's 2002 International Seminar. These papers explore some of the key issues in international quality review:

  • Quality Assurance in an International Environment: National and International Interests and Tensions (Dirk Van Damme, VLIR-Flemish Interuniversity Council, Belgium)
  • Quality Assurance for Distance Learning: Issues for International Discussion and Action (Simon Marginson, Monash Centre for Research in International Education, Australia)
  • International Quality Assurance, Ethics and the Market: A View from a Developing Country (Mala Singh, Council on Higher Education, South Africa).

The papers do not represent policy positions for CHEA but are presented as important contributions to international quality review in many parts of the world.