International Higher Education and Quality Assurance and Other Accreditation-Related Issues

September 6, 2017

A Risky Time for Universities to Internationalise (University World News, September 1, 2017) “Any decision to seek accreditation and/or quality assurance, or QA, services from foreign countries should be thought through carefully. Accreditation abroad may bring prestige and facilitate international linkages, while foreign QA services can genuinely help a higher education institution to raise its game.” (See also How Do Political Tremors Affect International Higher Ed?Education Dive, August 31, 2017.)

Higher Education Is Rigged Against Students (RealClear Education, August 31, 2017) “Empowered by the federal government, a powerful cartel of college accreditors is stifling competition, driving up tuition costs and limiting the options available to students.”

Unaccredited Illinois Bible Colleges Can’t Issue ‘Degrees’ (Courthouse News, August 30, 2017) “The Seventh Circuit ruled Tuesday that Illinois may prohibit Bible colleges from granting ‘degrees’ if the schools refuse to comply with the state’s accreditation process.”

21-Month Prison Sentence in Diploma Mill Case (Inside Higher Ed, August 29, 2017) “Umair Hamid has been sentenced to 21 months in prison and was ordered to forfeit about $5.3 million for his role in an international diploma mill scheme.”

Mark Your Calendar! The CHEA 2018 Annual Conference – January 29 (early evening reception) to midday, January 31 – and the CIQG  2018 Annual Meeting – January 31 (late afternoon session) through February 1 – will be held at the Capital Hilton Hotel in Washington, DC. More information coming soon!