CHEA Letter to USDE and Other Accreditation-Related Issues

August 7, 2017

CHEA Letter to U.S. Department of Education on Regulatory Reform (Council for Higher Education Accreditation, August 3, 2017) CHEA comments on ways that USDE can be more efficient in meeting the needs of students, families and education partners and activities or functions USDE should consider combining or modifying.”

What Employers Look at When Assessing Online Degrees (U.S. News & World Report, August 3, 2017) “A potential employer may ask about several aspects. The first is the school’s accreditation, which verifies that a university and in some cases a specific program meet certain standards of quality.”

Coding Boot Camps Won’t Save Us All (Slate, August 3, 2017) “Despite their high-tech subject matter and slick Silicon Valley messaging, most boot camps take a decidedly old-fashioned approach to instruction—focusing on in-person classrooms and high student-to-faculty ratios. But because they lack accreditation, their students aren’t eligible for federal financial aid.”

Developmentally Disabled, and Going to College (New York Times, August 3, 2017) “[Think College] programs are not accredited, leaving many families more or less in the dark about their quality. For the past few years, a 15-person task force organized by Think College has worked to develop a set of accreditation standards.”