CFPB and Authority Over Accrediting Organizations and Other Accreditation-Related Issues

November 3, 2016

CFPB Fights for Authority Over For-Profit Accreditors (Politico “Morning Education,” November 1, 2016) “The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is asking a federal appeals court to reverse a lower court’s ruling that the bureau lacks the power to investigate accrediting agencies that evaluate for-profit colleges.”

Law Schools Flagged for Job Data (Inside Higher Ed, November 1, 2016) “A random review finds five of 10 institutions fell short on backing up claims about graduates' job placement success. The audits, performed at the behest of the arm of the American Bar Association that accredits law schools, are not final.”

Report and Disclose: State Oversight of Institutional Performance in Higher Education (American Enterprise Institute, November 1, 2016) “The majority of proposed reforms address the federal role in higher education, particularly surrounding transparency, accountability, and consumer protection. Largely absent from these debates, however, is the role of state government.”

Indian University Withdraws From Plan to Buy Two U.S. Campuses (Associated Press, October 1, 2016) “After facing scrutiny from state officials in Massachusetts, a chain of colleges based in India has canceled its plans to buy two U.S. for-profit colleges.”

Beshear: Loss of Accreditation Is a ‘Death Sentence to a University’ (WKMS, October 26, 2016) “SACS has indicated, in a letter to [University of Louisville], that the governor’s unilaterally dissolving of a university governing board violates accreditation standards. And when a university is not free from undue political influence, accreditation is placed at risk and can be lost if not remedied.”