Institutional Compliance With Accreditation Standards

February 29, 2016

Tough Questions for Mount St. Mary’s (Inside Higher Ed, February 26, 216)
“Accreditor orders university to provide answers on how recent developments may place it out of compliance with one requirement and four standards.”

Outcomes Vs. Engagement (Politico “Morning Education,” February 26, 2016)
“In the first report in a new series on college completion from The Century Foundation [], senior fellow and former Education Department Deputy Under Secretary Bob Shireman questions the recent push by government officials to have accreditors focus more on student outcomes.“

Who’s Regulating Troubled For-Profit Institutions? Executives at Other Troubled For-Profit Institutions(The Chronicle of Higher Education/ProPublica, February 26, 2016)
“Plenty of accreditors have come under scrutiny for failing to hold colleges – especially for-profit institutions – accountable for low rates of graduation and high rates of student loan default.”

Higher Education Bill “Odds-On” After Cameron Backs Legislation (Times Higher Education, February 25, 2016)
“The Higher Education Funding Council for England appears to be pressing ahead with a plan to put out to tender England’s quality assurance work in several packages. The plan – which would see bidders compete for contracts on elements such as the Higher Education Review, external examining and transnational education – may be seen by some as undermining the Quality Assurance Agency, which would struggle to continue in its current form unless it won all the tenders.”

Ethiopia: Quality Assurance Must Be Reimagined At Ethiopia’s Universities (allAfrica, February 23, 2016)
“Quality assurance programmes definitely have a role to play at Ethiopia's universities. But this role will only be truly positive if programmes are modified to take academic considerations into account. They must also become more flexible about collecting essential data at an individual level rather than just focusing on the institutional level.”