Challenge to Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Jurisdiction Over Accreditation

December 8, 2015

Accreditor Fight With CFPB Moves to Federal Court (Inside Higher Ed, December 4, 2015)
“The battle between a national accrediting organization overseeing many for-profit colleges and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is now making its way through federal court.”

Higher Education for a Hyper-Connected World (University World News, November 27, 2015)
“Because higher education, in one form or another, is now open to virtually anyone who wishes to participate in it, it has naturally put pressure on colleges and universities to maintain high quality standards. As a result, quality assurance in higher education has become one of the top issues and concerns.”

New Accreditation Rules Could Disqualify Some College Faculty (Wyoming Public Media, December 1, 2015)
“A change in accreditation requirements could be bad news for many of Wyoming’s college professors. The Higher Learning Commission accredits the University of Wyoming and the state’s 7 community colleges. The agency released new guidelines in October.”

The Accreditation Monopoly (Huffington Post, December 1, 2015)
“Students and parents complain about the high cost of college. Education advocates complain about the lack of innovative higher education approaches that can potentially improve outcomes and reduce costs. Florida Senator and Presidential candidate Marco Rubio (R) sees a common thread affecting both concerns -- accreditation agencies.”

Education Department’s Regulatory Gimmicks Can’t Change Reality: Many Students Aren’t Interested(Forbes, November 30, 2015)
“The reason why the Obama administration regards it as urgent to change our accreditation system is that the U.S. is falling far short of the president’s stated goal of becoming the nation with the highest percentage of citizens holding college degrees by 2020 – 60%.”

Risk-Based Quality Assessment “Cannot Work,” Study Concludes (Times Higher Education, November 26, 2015)
“King’s College London research finds that ability of metrics to predict problems in higher education providers is ‘extremely limited’”

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CHEA 2016 Annual Conference (January 25-27) and the CIQG Annual Meeting (January 27-28)
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