Special Issue on USDE Proposed Regulations for Accreditation

January 11, 2019



ED Lays Out Rules to Overhaul Higher Ed (Campus Technology, January 10, 2019) "The proposed regulations address accreditation, distance learning, TEACH Grants and faith-based entities through a negotiated rulemaking process. ED will be holding a series of meetings over the next few months with subcommittees to evaluate each of the proposed regulation areas.”

DeVos Moves to Boost College Online Learning While Reducing Regulatory Oversight (The Washington Post, January 8, 2019) “Judith Eaton, president of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation, which represents accredited institutions, praised some efforts to give accreditors more latitude, but she expressed concerns that some aspects of the plan leave too much power in the hands of the federal government. ‘There are a number of things that we like in these proposed regulations, including dropping the federal definition of credit hour...and improving the federal recognition process for accrediting organizations,’ Eaton said. ‘However, we are concerned that, in a number of other areas, these proposed regulations would not reduce the federal role in academic decision-making regarding quality and quality assurance of higher education.’”

Cutting Oversight of Accreditation Will Spur Innovation, Says Education Dept. Critics Say Not So Fast.(The Chronicle of Higher Education [subscription required], January 7, 2019) “Some of those changes will be welcomed by accreditors, said Judith S. Eaton, president of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.”

Overhauling Rules for Higher Education (Inside Higher Ed, January 7, 2019) “The Education Department's proposals for upcoming negotiated rule-making process would narrow the responsibilities of accreditors and modify federal definitions for credit hour and distance education.”


