Making the Most of External Reviews

May 8, 2019

2019 CHEA Summer Roundtable: Accreditation and Federal Policy

June 20, 2019 - Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill-Washington, DC


Accreditation and Federal Policy is a one-day roundtable focusing on the latest policy developments, including legislation and federal regulations, affecting higher education accreditation.

The roundtable is open to CHEA member institutions and CHEA- and U.S. Department of Education-recognized accrediting organizations.

Click here for more information, including a registration form and link to the conference hotel for reservations.


Making the Most of External Reviews (Inside Higher Ed, "Career Advice," May 1, 2019) “Some institutions have a culture of requiring regular external reviews and some do not. Some institutions have an external review system in place. Even better, some link those reviews to accreditation and budgets, thus bolstering further accountability.”

UO Faculty Upset by Lack of Communication with Accreditation Changes (Daily Emerald, May 6, 2019) “The University of Oregon’s accreditor is making changes to its eligibility requirements, standards for accreditation and policies as part of an on-going self-reflection and its five-year review with the U.S. Department of Education. However, Chuck Triplett, UO administrator and accreditation liaison officer, did not tell the University of Oregon community that these changes were coming or that they could make recommendations to the policies.”

Shielded By DeVos, College Chain Faces Accreditor Sanctions (Republic Report, May 6, 2019) “Months after dismissal of its lawsuit against the Betsy DeVos Department of Education, the college chains operated by the Center for Excellence in Higher Education face new sanctions from their accreditor, ACCSC.”

USC Cardiology Program Loses Accreditation Amid Med School Scandals (Campus Safety, April 29, 2019) “The University of Southern California is losing national accreditation for one of its medical training programs as allegations of sexual misconduct continue to plague the school.”

Ed Department: New Accreditation Rules Will Be ‘More Aggressive’ to Prevent Abrupt College Closures (Education Dive, April 24, 2019) “Diane Auer Jones, principal deputy under secretary at the U.S. Department of Education, outlined how forthcoming regulations on accreditation would address college closings during an event [on April 22] hosted by the Bipartisan Policy Center in Washington, DC.”