Trends in Accreditation and What Matters to Governing Boards

September 20, 2019


Trends in Accreditation: What Matters to Governing Boards [by CHEA President Judith Eaton] (Trusteeship, September/October, 2019) “Accreditation is becoming increasingly important in matters of board governance. As there is more attention on the success of student outcomes, there is a greater demand for accountability from accreditation.”

The Unwatched Watchdogs (Center for American Progress, September 19, 2019) “Despite ongoing national concerns about poor outcomes at America’s colleges—including high debt, defaults, low repayment, and a spate of for-profit colleges that have defrauded students—many of these accreditation agencies are not receiving much scrutiny.”

USF Is Consolidating Into One University (10 News, [Tampa, FL], September 17, 2019) “By law, the university has to consolidate the Tampa, Saint Pete and Sarasota-Manatee campuses by July 1st. This means all three branches will be under one accreditation and graduates will get a diploma that simply says the University of South Florida.”

Alaska Regents Vote to Consider Other Options (Inside Higher Ed, September 17, 2019) “Regents at the University of Alaska voted [on September 13] to consider other options beyond a consolidation of campuses, the Anchorage Daily News reported. One option was to consolidate the system into one accredited university. That approach would mean that the university system would need to restrict some of the authority of the campuses in Fairbanks and Juneau and drive operations primarily out of the largest campus in Anchorage. The unanimous vote by the regents means that more options beyond this will be presented to the board, including retaining multiple institutional accreditations.”

Doctored Admissions: The U.S. University Admissions Scandal as a Global Problem (International Policy Digest, September 15, 2019) “The Council for Higher Education Accreditation’s recent report noted ‘the ubiquity and diversity of corruption in higher education, including unethical, inappropriate, sometimes illegal practices’ with evidence suggesting ‘that in every part of the world higher education is affected by corruption to some extent.’ Wonky parents are simply a small component of the sprawling picture.”

Struggling To Maintain It At Every Campus, UMaine System Could Pursue Single Accreditation (Maine Public Radio, September 13, 2019) “Chancellor Dannel Malloy will make the proposal for a single, statewide accreditation for the University of Maine System — rather than having each of the state’s seven universities pursue accreditation on their own — at a university system trustees meeting [on September 16].”