New Realities for Higher Education Institutions and Accreditation

August 10, 2020

A Statement from CHEA President Cynthia Jackson-Hammond

The Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) for decades has been the leading advocate for transparency and quality assurance in higher education. Through engaged accreditation standards and reviews, universities have worked to become more proficient and determined to provide the best, comprehensive services to the public, families, students and stakeholders.

The many, unexpected challenges brought forth in 2020 have stunned and awakened all of us to new realities facing America and our higher education institutions. The COVID-19 pandemic, social unrest, loss of lives, economic uncertainties and many other issues have affected families and students (in particular college students) in unparalleled ways. Traditional institutional values and norms have been challenged and accreditation and higher education are seeking ways to work together to establish new normalcy.

CHEA is committed to supporting accrediting bodies and higher education institutions in providing a more expansive forum to address these unfolding issues. The success of students across the nation is our ultimate goal and collaboratively and in the spirit of unity, CHEA will be a voice and advocate for collegiate success.