Quality Assurance in India

October 28, 2020


How to Make It Work Better? (Greater Kashmir (India), October 26, 2020) "Like other sectors, education needs to be regulated but in a meaningful and facilitative manner like in the developed parts of the world. The regulatory system should act as a facilitator to educational institutions in their pursuits for quality education and at the same time acts as a strong barrier to the entry or existence of poor-quality institutions."

Accreditation: 'You Cannot Run Alone and Be Successful' (University World News, October 22, 2020) "In general, there are mainly two types of accreditation in higher education which I believe are urgently required by several public and private universities in Africa, namely institutional accreditation and professional accreditation."

COVID Gives Us a Chance to Take Higher Education By the Scruff of the Neck (Irish Times, October 20, 2020) "When Covid arrived, the transition to online learning had to occur rapidly, almost instantaneously in fact, and, no doubt, some lecturers lacked the skills to step up to the plate. Most however, as demonstrated in a recent Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) report, managed very well."

TEQSA Regulatory Implications for Overseas Higher Education Providers (Lexology, October 15, 2020) "Overseas institutions wishing to establish an Australian branch must demonstrate legal, compliance and quality assurance measures in order for the Tertiary Education and Quality Standards Agency (TEQSA) to allow the institution to enter Australia’s higher education sector."