CHEA-Recognized Accrediting Organizations

Directory of CHEA-Recognized Accrediting Organizations

The accrediting organizations identified in this directory are recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). Recognition by CHEA affirms that the standards and processes of the accrediting organization are consistent with the academic quality, improvement and accountability expectations that CHEA has established, including the eligibility standard that the institutions or programs each accredits are degree-granting.

Accrediting organizations may be identified as institutional or programmatic.

Institutional accrediting organizations accredit the college or university (institution) as a whole. They may focus on a specific region, theology, or method of delivery. The following groups accredit higher education institutions:

Programmatic accrediting organizations accredit a specialized or professional program within a college or university (or in some instances, the entire institution). Completion of a program accredited by a programmatic accrediting organization may be required to become licensed or certified to work in the profession. The following is a list of specialized accrediting organizations:

Directory of CHEA-Recognized Accrediting Organizations as a pdf file. 

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