Vermont State Colleges and Consolidation

January 20, 2021


Report Offers Alternate Plan for State Colleges (The Rutland Herald, January 14, 2021) "As the Vermont State College System considers recommendations for a massive institutional overhaul to right its financial ship and make high-quality education more affordable and accessible for Vermonters, a group of VSC employees has been floating an alternative plan that would reach similar goals but through different means."

Public-Private Alliance Called ‘Merger Alternative’ (Inside Higher Ed, January 13, 2021) “College merger and acquisition announcements often face pushback from employees, students and alumni. They also require multistep approvals from state governing bodies and institutional accrediting agencies. Mutual growth federations sidestep the blowback and bureaucracy and still allow colleges to share students, funding, resources and employees.”

Hey, Higher Education: You’re on Mute (Forbes, January 12, 2021) “There are many examples of disconnects between higher education and its broader constituents. Let’s start with the foundational quality assurance system for higher education: accreditation. It’s little understood within the academy itself and completely opaque to the general public.”