A Note from CHEA President Cynthia Jackson-Hammond

August 5, 2020

Dear Colleagues:

On August 1, 2020, I assumed the presidency of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. It is a distinct privilege to provide leadership to an organization that has as its core mission the advocacy and support for higher education and independence of accreditation. 

My professional career has spanned over 30 years in higher education, most recently serving as President of Central State University in Ohio. Higher education engagement has deepened my appreciation for accreditation and its value to institutions, students and parents. During these times of uncertainties in higher education, there is one factor that remains constant – quality assurance of our institutions and the commitment to the praxis of institutional continuous improvement.

Today, CHEA is an incredibly strong organization! Our work as the leading advocate for accreditation and the recognition of regional, national career-related, national faith-related and programmatic accrediting organizations has made CHEA invaluable to its member colleges and universities and to the broader community. Continuing the strong principles of CHEA, we will advance our platform to give voice to higher education to discuss those issues that impact accreditation and the common good and stability of collegiate success. Working with CHEA’s Board of Directors, staff and stakeholders, we will ensure that CHEA continues as:

A strong voice and advocate for accreditation and its value to society.

  • A convener of the accreditation community for productive conversations and the sharing of ideas and information on national and international issues related to accreditation and quality assurance.
  • A key part of ensuring the quality and rigor of accreditation, through CHEA recognition of accrediting organizations.
  • A platform for international institutions to share understandings regarding “quality” in higher education.
  • An engaged partner with institutions and accrediting organizations in addressing emerging and vital issues for higher education, including the expanded use of distance education, financial challenges resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and issues related to social equity.

All of us in higher education and accreditation face challenges ahead; however, CHEA will continue to serve as “Accreditation Central” for colleges and universities, accrediting organizations and all who seek guidance and support in quality higher education performance and accountability.

Thank you for supporting CHEA and our work, and I personally look forward to working with you in the years ahead.


Cynthia Jackson-Hammond
