Qualifications Frameworks in VN; Purdue and Kaplan Deal; Latvia to Modernize HE; and Other Important News

June 1, 2017

Impacts of Qualifications Frameworks on Higher Education Discussed (VietnamNet, May 31, 2017) “The frameworks have profound impacts on stakeholders, from policymakers, employers, to educational institutes and students, and allow fundamental changes in quality of higher education in the context of deep global integration and increasing demand for high-quality human resources.”

EAC Inches Closer to Harmonised Higher Education (The New Times, May 31, 2017) “Expectations are high after the latest East African Community (EAC) Heads of State Summit in Tanzania declared the region as a common higher education area in a bid to harmonise and enhance quality of education.”

Fine Print and Tough Questions for the Purdue-Kaplan Deal (Inside Higher Ed, May 30, 2017) “University’s boundary-testing deal poses a test for its accreditor and could set new precedents about online education and the role of public universities.”

German Universities Oppose Plan to Compete on Teaching Quality (Inside Higher Ed, May 26, 2017) “German universities have emphatically rejected a proposal that they fear could mean competing for funding on the basis of their teaching quality, but the plan is not off the table.”

FICIL [Latvia] Proposes to Start a New Stage of the Modernization of the Latvian Education System (The Baltic Course, May 25, 2017) “The accreditation system of higher education programs is not perceived currently as a guarantee of quality by prospective students and employers.”