Quality Assurance Indicators and Higher Education

January 6, 2021


Quality Assurance Indicators for Higher Education Institutions Inevitable (Pakistan Observer, January 5, 2021) “Professor Dr. Johar Ali, Vice Chancellor of Khushal Khan Khattak University Karak, said an effective quality assurance system was prerequisite for the provision of quality higher education which will produce equal opportunities for a knowledge economy in the country.”

U.S. Accreditation Agency Commends Morocco’s Al Akhawayn University (AUI) (Morocco World News, January 5, 2021) “The New England Commission of Higher Education described AUI as an academic institution recognized internationally for its practices that address the challenges of higher education in the 21st century.”

A Tool to Benchmark Quality: Do Global Rankings of Universities Provide an Assurance of Quality? (The Hindu [India], January 4, 2021) “Ranking and accreditation are two different forms of quality assurance. They provide information to students, employers, policy makers, educationalists, and concerned individuals. For universities and business schools around the world, global accreditations enable them to get into a cycle of continuous improvement through peer learning and benchmarking.”