523 Records Found
Showing results for: All Countries, Country
Results are organized alphabetically by country and Organization’s name.
Organization Profile Type City Country
41. Flemish Universities and Colleges Council (VLUHR) Country Brussels Belgium
42. The Flemish Council of Universities of Applied Sciences and Arts (VLHORA) Country Brussels Belgium
43. Ministry of Education, Culture, Science & Technology Country Belmopan Belize
44. Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Country Cotonou Benin
45. Bhutan Accreditation Council  (BAC) Country Thimphu Bhutan
46. Ministry of Education and Skills Development Country Thimphu Bhutan
47. Executive Committee of the Bolivian University (CEUB) Country La Paz Bolivia
48. Ministry of Education Country La Paz Bolivia
49. Agency for Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance (HEA) Country Banja Luka Bosnia & Herzegovina
50. Agency for Higher Education of Republika Srpska (AHERS) Country Banja Luka Bosnia & Herzegovina