Sir John Daniel: Innovating In An Age Of Uncertainty

July 12, 2018


July 12, 2018

International QA in the News provides the latest briefings, articles, reports, op-eds and reviews about quality assurance around the world.


Innovating In An Age of Uncertainty (CHEA/CIQG Publication Series, July 11, 2018) This new publication by Sir John Daniel focuses on innovation and especially the portability of qualifications, as proposed in the Groningen Declaration, reviewing political and social challenges and obstacles to such innovation.

Montenegro - Seminar on Quality and Integrity in Higher Education (Council of Europe News, July 9, 2018) “Participants discussed to what extent both internal and external quality assurance bodies in higher education could address the issue of academic integrity in their reviews as well as link between curbing academic dishonesty and improving the quality of studies.”

Accreditation Council and Quality Assurance Mechanism at Private Universities (The Daily Sun, July 7, 2018) “The questions of establishing Quality Assurance (QA) mechanism and the necessity of establishing good governance at the universities are not seriously discussed in academia and policy making forums since the inception of establishment of the universities at private sector.”

Squeezing Higher Education Through the Neoliberal Wringer – Academic Autonomy and the Higher Education Commission of India (Newsclick, July 7, 2018) “Far from creating a sphere of shared autonomy with universities, the University Grants Commission (UGC) has arrogated to itself powers of a funding agency.”

NAVTTC Accredits Training Institutes (The International News [Pakistan], July 6, 2018) “The National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC) approved a revised accreditation manual for institutes’ accreditation after thorough discussion.”

Why Private Universities Have Low Students Enrollment – NUC (The Nation [Nigeria], July 6, 2018) “The National University Commission (NUC) is working towards allowing the private universities to be more innovative in their programme offerings for their growth and development and for the benefit of the country.”



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