Summer 2024

July 1, 2024

Book on the ground in summer


Welcome to our summer issue, where we delve into transformative developments in higher education. We feature a research article by Dr. Michelle Claville, CHEA's Vice-President for Research and Policy Analysis, on the pivotal role of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in making higher education a true public good. Her paper highlights CHEA's unwavering commitment to DEI, emphasizing its importance in quality assurance and the positive impact of diversity on learning outcomes and student success. Despite historical and ongoing challenges, CHEA continues to champion DEI to foster an inclusive and high-quality educational environment.

This issue continues to showcase CIQG member organizations, featuring the Distance Education Accreditation Commission (DEAC), in Washington, D.C., USA, and the University Council of Jamaica (UCJ) in Kingston, Jamaica, W.I. It also highlights newsworthy developments in quality assurance in post-secondary education in Europe and Asia. Notably, Nic Mitchell discusses the progress towards the Bologna Process's goal to have 20% of European university students study abroad by 2020, and the challenges that hinder the desired benchmark.  We also direct you to Mohiuddin Alamgir’s discussion of the University Grants Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh, which is considering allowing private universities to offer PhD programs, 32 years after the establishment of the first private university in the country. 

As we navigate these transformative developments, the collective effort of educators, policymakers, and institutions will be essential in shaping a future where higher education truly fulfills its promise as a catalyst for societal progress and individual achievement. Thank you for joining us in this exploration, and we look forward to continuing the conversation in future issues.

DEI as a Transformational Catalyst for Higher Education and Public Good

DEIPreface by Jamil Salmi*

Michelle Claville’s insightful article about the importance of accreditation in supporting the DEI mission of higher education institutions could not come at a better moment. For the past two years, we have witnessed an exceptional wave of backlash against the promotion of equity in access and success in higher education, even in countries with a long democratic tradition. While the United States is the most glaring case, with the proliferation of anti-DEI legislative initiatives in many states, political hostility towards key aspects of the equity and inclusion agenda has spread in many parts of the world. This is a striking reversal after decades of international consensus and commitment to eliminate the financial and non-monetary barriers faced by traditionally under-represented students. Therefore, we should welcome Dr. Claville’s timely contribution because her article provides a crucial analysis of the public good nature of higher education. It is a useful reminder of the critical role that accreditation agencies and CHEA play to ensure that universities and colleges operate with the quality principles and standards necessary to uphold their commitment to the DEI values at the core of the public good mission of higher education in the United States and beyond.

*Jamil Salmi is the Global Tertiary Education Expert and Research Associate at the Boston College Center for International Higher Education (USA). He is also Emeritus Professor of Higher Education Policy at Diego Portales University (Chile).

CIQG Member Spotlight

DEAC logo

CIQG Member since:  2014

Dr. Leah Matthews, the Executive Director and CEO of the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC) since April 1, 2013, has a rich background in higher education and accreditation. With prior experience as Vice President for Recognition Services at the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), Dr. Matthews brings invaluable insights to higher education accreditation and her work with DEAC. Here, she shares her thoughts on the following questions to spotlight the commission's work and vision. READ MORE.

CIQG Member Spotlight

UCJ Logo

CIQG Member since:  2013

Established in 1987 by an act of Parliament, the University Council of Jamaica (UCJ) stands as a cornerstone of Jamaica's higher education system. Operating as a statutory body under the Ministry of Education and Youth the UCJ serves as the national External Quality Assurance Agency (EQAA) for higher education, playing a pivotal role in enhancing the academic standards and effectiveness of Jamaican institutions and their graduates.

The UCJ is committed to promoting a culture of quality within Jamaica's higher education system. It guides institutions towards continuous improvement, overseeing all accredited institutions and programmes to ensure and elevate the quality of higher education. Its responsibilities encompass accreditation of programmes and institutions, recognition of transnational education programmes, assessment of credentials, development of standards, and communication and public education. ISO 9001:2015 certified, the UCJ established a Quality Management System (QMS) in 2017 to demonstrate its commitment to quality. Achieving certification in September 2018, this system ensures that the UCJ's core processes and operational activities meet international standards. READ MORE.

Bologna Process Falls Short of Study Abroad Goals, Experts Advocate Renewed Efforts and International Mindset

GlobeDespite the Bologna Process's goal of having 20% of European university students study abroad by 2020, only 8.4% achieved this, largely due to inadequate national support, the COVID-19 pandemic, and selective initiatives like the European University Alliances. Nonetheless, higher education experts remain committed to the value of physical mobility for students. During a European University Association webinar, experts stressed the need for renewed efforts and innovative strategies to overcome barriers such as financial constraints and lack of support. They emphasized that while physical mobility is crucial, fostering an international mindset among all students is equally important. READ MORE

UGC Considers Allowing PhD Programs at Private Universities in Bangladesh Amid Quality Concerns

Bangladesh mapIn a landmark decision, the University Grants Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh is considering allowing private universities to offer PhD programs, 32 years after the establishment of the country's first private university. This move comes in response to persistent demands from private universities and the Association of Private Universities of Bangladesh (APUB), which recently sought intervention from President Mohammed Shahabuddin. The UGC has formed a committee to draft policies and standards for these PhD programs, ensuring they meet quality requirements. While the initiative is seen as a positive step towards enhancing research and innovation, concerns about the quality of education and the capacity of private institutions remain prevalent among education experts.


save the date icon-2025 CHEA/CIQG Annual Conference scheduled for January 27 – 30, in Washington, D.C. More information coming soon.
-Upcoming webinars on September 10 and November 6, 2024.


hand icon with paperRemember that you are invited to submit articles or op-eds that focus on current topics relevant to quality assurance and international higher education. After reviewing the Quality International Newsletter Guidelines ( ), please submit your articles, op-eds, announcements by August 26, 2024, for consideration of inclusion in the September 2024 issue of QI News.

The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect those of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation,
its International Quality Group, its Board, or its members. 

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