Technology and Academic Cheating

March 7, 2019


Technology Has Fueled a Surge in Academic Cheating – It Has Also Made It Easier Than Ever to Get Caught (The National [United Arab Emirates], March 6, 2019) “For whatever reason – be it overwork, an obsession with success, or just sheer laziness – some students will cheat at some point in their academic careers. In an increasingly connected world, where vast archives of information and a variety of unethical services are easily accessible on the internet, this can range from plagiarising essays, buying them, or plain, old-fashioned sneaking notes – or phones – into exams.”

UGC Tightens Rules for Deemed-to-Be Varsities (Deccan Herald [India], March 2, 2019) “The University Grants Commission (UGC) has changed the rules and eligibility criteria to grant deemed-to-be university status to higher education institutes in India. In its latest circular, the UGC said the move would ‘ensure quality education.’ The main highlight of the circular is that institutes younger than 20 years are not eligible for the deemed-to-be status.”

IEP Membership in ENQA Reconfirmed (European University Association, March 1, 2019) “The European University Association (EUA) Institutional Evaluation Programme (IEP) underwent an external review coordinated by the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) in 2018. As a result, on 21 February, the ENQA Board reconfirmed IEP’s membership for the next five years. The ENQA review panel assessed IEP compliance against the 2015 Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG).”

FNU Works on Accreditation for Short Courses (FBC News, February 27, 2019) “Fiji National University (FNU) is working with the Pacific Community’s Educational Quality Assessment Project (EQAP) to get accreditation for its short courses at the national and regional level. According to Pro Vice Chancellor Learning and Teaching Professor James Pounder, FNU has over 100 micro-qualifications that are likely to meet the requirements of accreditation with EQAP.”