The University of Florida and Public Higher Education's Future

January 19, 2022


The University of Florida and the Future of U.S. Public Higher Education (The Gainesville Sun, January 11, 2022) "The University of Florida's actions and policies have resulted in legal proceedings and a continuing inquiry into the university’s accreditation by the regional accrediting authority."

Duquesne Moves Closer to Accreditation For Its Medical School (The Tribune [Pennsylvania],January 11, 2022) "Duquesne University’s proposed College of Osteopathic Medicine is not expected to open until 2024, but the school has achieved 'candidate status' from the Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA), according to a university statement."

The Need for Greater Accountability in Higher Education (Inside Higher Ed, January 5, 2022) "Why haven’t accreditors sanctioned universities that offer predatory program that encourage enrollees and their parents to take out loans that will eventually fall into default? Why not require admissions offices, at a minimum, to inform prospective students that they will be unable to repay their loans—and require them to acknowledge this information in writing?"