U.S. Department of Education and Accreditation Policy and Other Accreditation-Related News

May 24, 2018

Accreditation and Federal Policy 2018: An Invitational Summer Roundtable

June 20, 2018 • Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill • Washington, DC

RoundtableAccreditation and Federal Policy 2018 is a one-day roundtable focusing on the latest policy developments, including legislation and federal regulations, affecting higher education accreditation.

The Invitational Roundtable—this year’s CHEA/CIQG summer event – is open to CHEA member institutions and CHEA- and U.S. Department of Education-recognized accrediting organizations.

Click here for more information, including a registration form and link to the conference hotel for reservations.


Signals on the Agenda for Accreditation (Inside Higher Ed, May 23, 2018) “As DeVos answers questions from House lawmakers, a key adviser previews her department’s approach to regulation of accreditors."

A Federal Panel Tries to Regulate Accreditation. But Is Anyone Paying Attention? The Chronicle of Higher Education [subscription required], May 23, 2018) “Every six months or so, about 18 higher education experts plant themselves in a hotel conference room for three days to dig deep into the federal recognition of accrediting agencies.“

House GOP Will Huddle on Higher Ed Bill This Week (Politico “Morning Education” [after opening link, scroll down to see item], May 22, 2018) “House Republicans are planning to meet this week about a sweeping GOP plan to rewrite the Higher Education Act that’s been awaiting floor action since last year.”


Position Announcement: Vice President for Research and Policy Analysis, Council for Higher Education/International Quality Group.

The Vice President for Research and Policy Analysis will develop and oversee a comprehensive research program consistent with CHEA/CIQG goals and strategic thinking. Read the position announcement for more information.

How International University Rankings Are Shaking Up Higher Ed (Education Dive, May 22, 2018) “While institution ranking systems are here to stay, Martin Kurzweil, director of the Education Transformation Program at Ithaka S+R, explained during the Council for Higher Education Accreditation conference earlier this year that perhaps leaders ought to encourage a more equitable benchmarking system for accountability by creating peer benchmarking standards.”

Armed with Better Data, Will Accreditors Finally Have to Act? (New America, May 21, 2018) “This week, when NACIQI gathers for its Spring 2018 meeting, they’ll have even better information to guide their discussion--and accreditors will have fewer excuses to ignore problems at the institutions they oversee.”



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